SMBJ 600W TVS diode
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SMBJ 600W TVS diode

  • Package name: DO-214AA/SMB
  • For surface mounted applications in order to optimize board space. 
  • Polarity: Color band denoted positive end (cathode) except Bidirectional. 
  • Typical failure mode is short from over-specified voltage or current
  • High Temperature soldering:260°C/10 seconds at terminals. 
  • Terminal: Solder plated, solderable per MIL-STD-750,Method 2026.

SMBJ Series 600W TVS Diode is a type of voltage suppressing device that limits over voltages to a safe range to prevent circuit from damaging and has a faster response time than other protection components. This allows TVS to be used in suppressing fast damaging transient voltage, such as lighting, switching, ESD, etc.

TVS Diodes are widely used in over voltage protection of sensitive electronic components, including computer, telecommunication, industrial products, consumer electronic, automotive market, etc.

The TVS SMBJ SERIES is offered in the industry standard,  SMB package to enable easy solderability.


  • RS-422 interface

  • RS-485 bus

  • I/O interface

  • Vcc bus

Minimum Peak Pulse Power Dissipation (T = 1 ms) (note1 note2)

600  Watts

Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3ms Single Half Sine Wave Superimposed on 

Rated Load (JEDEC Method) (note3)

100 Amps

Steady State Power Dissipation @ TL = 75 °C

5.0 Watts

Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage @ I PP = 50 A

(For Unidirectional Units Only)(note4 note5)

3.5/5 Volts

Operating Temperature Range

-55 to + 150 °C

Storage Temperature Range

-55 to + 150 °C


  1. Non-repetitive current pulse, per Pulse Waveform graph and derated above TA = 25 °C per Pulse Derating Curve.

  2. Thermal Resistance Junction to Lead.

  3. 8.3 ms Single Half-Sine Wave duty cycle = 4 pulses maximum per minute (unidirectional units only).

  4. Single Phase, Half Wave, 60 Hz, resistive or inductive load. For capacitive load, derate current by 20 %.

  5. VF<3.5V for VBR< 200V and VF <5.0V for VBR>201V.


Part Number (Bi) Part Number (Uni) Device Marking Code Reverse Stand
off Voltage
VR (Volts)
Breakdown Voltage VBR
Test Current IT(mA)
Maximum Reverse
IR @ VR(μA)
Maximum Peak
Pulse Current
Ipp (A)
Maximum Clamping
Voltage VC
@ I pp(V)
SMBJ5.0CA SMBJ5.0A BUT KE 5.0 6.40 7.00 10 500 65.2 9.2
SMBJ6.0CA SMBJ6.0A AG KG 6.0 6.67 7.37 10 500 58.3 10.3
SMBJ 6.5CA SMBJ 6.5A AND KK 6.5 7.22 7.9 10 300 53.6 11.2
SMBJ7.0CA SMBJ7.0 A AM KM 7.0 7.78 8.60 10 200 50.0 12.0
SMBJ7.5CA SMBJ7.5A AP KP 7.5 8.33 9.21 1 100 46.6 12.9
SMBJ8.0CA SMBJ8.0A WITH NOK 8.0 8.89 9.83 1 50 44.2 13.6
SMBJ8.5CA SMBJ8.5 A AT KT 8.5 9.44 10.40 1 20 41.7 14.4
SMBJ9.0CA SMBJ9.0 A OF KV 9.0 10.00 11.10 1 10 39.0 15.4
SMBJ10CA SMBJ10A AX KX 10.0 11.10 12.30 1 5 35.3 17.0
SMBJ11CA SMBJ11A THE KZ 11.0 12.20 13.50 1 1 33.0 18.2
SMBJ12CA SMBJ12A BE THE 12.0 13.30 14.70 1 1 30.2 19.9
SMBJ13CA SMBJ13A BG LG 13.0 14.40 15.90 1 1 28.0 21.5
SMBJ14CA SMBJ14A BK LK 14.0 15.60 17.20 1 1 25.9 23.2
SMBJ15CA SMBJ15A BM LM 15.0 16.70 18.50 1 1 24.6 24.4
SMBJ16CA SMBJ16A BP LP 16.0 17.80 19.70 1 1 23.1 26.0
SMBJ17CA SMBJ17A BR LR 17.0 18.90 20.90 1 1 21.8 27.6
SMBJ18CA SMBJ18A BT LT 18.0 20.00 22.10 1 1 20.6 29.2
SMBJ20CA SMBJ20A BV LV 20.0 22.20 24.50 1 1 18.6 32.4
SMBJ22CA SMBJ22A BX LX 22.0 24.40 26.90 1 1 16.9 35.5
SMBJ24CA SMBJ24A BZ LZ 24.0 26.70 29.50 1 1 15.5 38.9
SMBJ26CA SMBJ26A THIS ME 26.0 28.90 31.90 1 1 14.3 42.1
SMBJ28CA SMBJ28A CG MG 28.0 31.10 34.40 1 1 13.3 45.4
SMBJ30CA SMBJ30A CK MK 30.0 33.30 36.80 1 1 12.4 48.4
SMBJ33CA SMBJ33A CM MM 33.0 36.70 40.60 1 1 11.3 53.3
SMBJ36CA SMBJ36A CP MP 36.0 40.00 44.20 1 1 10.4 58.1
SMBJ40CA SMBJ40A CR MR 40.0 44.40 49.10 1 1 9.3 64.5
SMBJ43CA SMBJ43A CT MT 43.0 47.80 52.80 1 1 8.7 69.4
SMBJ45CA SMBJ45A CV MV 45.0 50.00 55.30 1 1 8.3 72.7
SMBJ48CA SMBJ48A CX MX 48.0 53.30 58.90 1 1 7.8 77.4
SMBJ51CA SMBJ51A CZ MZ 51.0 56.70 62.70 1 1 7.3 82.4
SMBJ54CA SMBJ54A OF NO 54.0 60.00 66.30 1 1 6.9 87.1
SMBJ58CA SMBJ58A DG of 58.0 64.40 71.20 1 1 6.5 93.6
SMBJ60CA SMBJ60A DK etc 60.0 66.70 73.70 1 1 6.2 96.8
SMBJ64CA SMBJ64A DM NM 64.0 71.10 78.60 1 1 5.9 103.0
SMBJ70CA SMBJ70A DP E.G 70.0 77.80 86.00 1 1 5.3 113.0
SMBJ75CA SMBJ75A DR No. 75.0 83.30 92.10 1 1 5.0 121.0
SMBJ78CA SMBJ78A DT NT 78.0 86.70 95.80 1 1 4.8 126.0
SMBJ85CA SMBJ85A DV NV 85.0 94.4 104.0 1 1 4.4 137.0
SMBJ90CA SMBJ90A DX NX 90.0 100.0 111.0 1 1 4.1 146.0
SMBJ100CA SMBJ100A DZ NZ 100.0 111.0 123.0 1 1 3.7 162.0
SMBJ110CA SMBJ110A EE ON 110.0 122.0 135.0 1 1 3.4 177.0
SMBJ120CA SMBJ120A EG PG 120.0 133.0 147.0 1 1 3.1 193.0
SMBJ130CA SMBJ130A I PK 130.0 144.0 159.0 1 1 2.9 209.0
SMBJ150CA SMBJ150A IN PM 150.0 167.0 185.0 1 1 2.5 243.0
SMBJ160CA SMBJ160A EP PP 160.0 178.0 197.0 1 1 2.3 259.0
SMBJ170CA SMBJ170A IS PR 170.0 189.0 209.0 1 1 2.2 275.0
SMBJ180CA SMBJ180A AND PT 180.0 201.0 222.0 1 1 2.1 292.0
SMBJ190CA SMBJ190A EC Well 190.0 211.0 233.0 1 1 2.0 308.0
SMBJ200CA SMBJ200A THIS PV 200.0 224.0 247.0 1 1 1.9 324.0
SMBJ210CA SMBJ210A ED PB 210.0 237.0 263.0 1 1 1.8 340.0
SMBJ220CA SMBJ220A EX PX 220.0 246.0 272.0 1 1 1.7 356.0
SMBJ250CA SMBJ250A NO PZ 250.0 279.0 309.0 1 1 1.5 405.0
SMBJ300CA SMBJ300A FE THAT 300.0 335.0 371.0 1 1 1.3 486.0
SMBJ350CA SMBJ350A FG QG 350.0 391.0 432.0 1 1 1.1 567.0
SMBJ400CA SMBJ400A FK QK 400.0 447.0 494.0 1 1 0.9 648.0
SMBJ440CA SMBJ440A FM QM 440.0 492.0 543.0 1 1 0.9 713.0


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